Dec 31, 2008

Dear All, happy new year. To those of you who said my blog only targeted Nira Radia or Vaishnavi, do take a trouble to go through the earlier blogs posted such as Madness in Mumbai , Relying on Tata?, First Margaret Alva, next Yogendra Makwana…senior Congress functionaries seem to be falling, Behuria to be next TRAI Chairman?, Watching Planes take off new hobby of IB, It’s O-fficial. Obama has routed John McCain to become the first black president of the US. People see what they want to see and read what they want to read. If I get any material on other PR agencies be certain I will post them with the same alacrity as the one on Vaishnavi. As for my anonymity, alas it will continue much in the tradition set forth by deep throat .


Unknown said...

Dear Deep Throat

Come on yaar, you don't need to announce your manhood on the blog. We know you will put up shit on anybody. As I stated earlier don't behave like a deprived child or a miserble husband by justifying your act. Don't waste your time justifying the shit just dole it out.
By the way when are you putting the adult stuff on the blog as mentioned as a precursor to accessing your blog. Am quite looking forward to the hot stuff.


Unknown said...

Happy New Year. Just heard that a leading news agency has been renamed as Tony News Service with effect from January 2009. It seems a senior editor gets pocket money for doing all the dirty jobs of Tony. Heard that he is dangerous so keep away from him. Will fill you in with details when I get it.